import bottle, os, traceback from bottle import request, response from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright from urllib.parse import quote_plus import string flag = os.environ.get( "FLAG", "jctf{red_flags_and_fake_flags_form_an_equivalence_class}" ) public_host = os.environ.get("PUBLIC_HOST", "http://localhost:3000/") visit_flag_url = public_host + "flag?flag=" + quote_plus(flag) print(f"{visit_flag_url = }") def sanitize(s): bad = "<>\"'{}\0\n\r" return "".join(c for c in s if c not in bad) def secure(callback): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] = "default-src 'none';" response.headers["Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy"] = "same-origin" return callback(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper bottle.install(secure)"/visit") def visit(): url = sanitize(request.forms.get("url")) if not url.startswith("http://") and not url.startswith("https://"): return "Invalid URL" print(f"Visiting {url}") with sync_playwright() as playwright: browser = playwright.chromium.launch( headless=True, args=[ "--js-flags=--jitless,--no-expose-wasm", "--disable-gpu", "--disable-dev-shm-usage", ], ) context = browser.new_context() try: page = context.new_page() page.goto( visit_flag_url, wait_until="networkidle", timeout=5000 ) # this is essentially localhost, so it should be fast page.close() except: traceback.print_exc() return "Failed to visit the flag URL, please report this to the admin" try: page = context.new_page() page.goto(url, wait_until="networkidle") page.close() except: traceback.print_exc() return "Failed to visit the requested URL" return "Visited!" @bottle.get("/visit") def index(): return f""" Admin Bot
{public_host = }
""" @bottle.get("/source") def source(): with open(__file__) as f: response.content_type = "text/plain" return @bottle.get("/Dockerfile") def dockerfile(): with open("Dockerfile") as f: response.content_type = "text/plain" return @bottle.get("/") def index(): return f""" Flag Server

Flag Server

Source """ @bottle.get("/<_:re:.+>") def flag(_): flag = request.get_cookie("flag", "No flag found...") if request.query.flag: flag = sanitize(request.query.flag) response.set_cookie("flag", flag, httponly=True) return flag application = bottle.default_app() if __name__ == "__main__":"localhost", port=3000)